I've taught at the Clarion West 6-week short story writing workshop in Seattle, as well as run a one-week YA novel residential workshop at KU's Center for Study of Science Fiction. I've taught both short and multi-day classes at Portland's Literary Arts, Cascade Writers, Clarion West, and the Willamette Writers Conference, and have led teen and kid writing workshops at the Oregon Writing Festival and Young Willamette Writers.  In 2024 I was delighted to be the keynote speaker for an amazing group of middle school students at the Oregon Writing Festival. (My topic: Find Your Dragon!)

Tina's visit to my creative writing students was all the kids could talk about afterwards. From her tips on creating magical characters with real-life high school problems to her dishing on what it takes to make a living at something they love to do, she was inspiring and most likely influential for them.

-- Nora Brooks